I was so honored to receive a generous $500 educational grant from MSEDA for year end of 2020. I have been obsessed with this sport since I was a child and have been a member of MSEDA (previously MSCTA) since the 80’s. I am so grateful for the membership opportunities that MSEDA provides. I LOVE being a student of the sport and will always strive to educate myself in every single way to make myself a better rider so that every horse I may ever have the pleasure of working with will have the best opportunity to be successful. I enjoy so much taking lessons and especially participating in clinics. MSEDA provides its members wonderful opportunities to bring into our area knowledgeable professionals to ride with. This year I utilized this grant money to be able to ride with Kyle Carter and Gwen Poulin. I am so grateful for the MSEDA and am proud to be a part if this important organization! Thank you to all of you who make it possible!!
-Megan Northrop