MSEDA offers multiple grants to its members to apply toward continuing their equestrian education. Winners for 2017 included:
- The Christine Brown Grant: Shelley Ryan
- Educational grant: Courtney Calnan and Samantha Kline
MSEDA will feature each of these winners in upcoming e-news.
By Sarah E. Coleman
Featured Grant Winner: Samantha Kline, $500 MSEDA Educational Grant
Samantha Kline is a MSEDA member who competes her two off-the-track Thoroughbreds, Praetorian (“Prae”) and Venture World (“V”) in MSEDA-sanctioned events. V is preparing to go Training Level this season and Prae has shown Training in the past, but is looking to make a switch to the hunter ring.
Sam plans to use the grant to “help with Dressage lesson costs with V,” she explains. “It’s not always easy to stay on a regular lesson schedule due to budgeting, so I’m excited to get a nice push to get us to the next level.”
Sam rides with Dani Ritter, and says that V is moving along very well for only having a year back in work from what was thought to be a career ending-diagnosis of stringhalt. “We’re working on being consistent in the bridle and on the bit, also moving off of the leg so we can put out a solid Training-level ride,” she says.
On using the generous MSEDA grant money to reach her goals, Sam explains: “My entire life, I have grown up breaking babies or riding young horses that I never owned. When they got to a certain point, they would move along and I would have to start all over. While Prae has told me that Dressage isn’t his thing, … V has shown the potential to go much higher. Being able to have a nice stretch of consistent lessons with my trainer will really help us get to the next level and on our way to earning our Bronze Medal,” she says. “It’s only a 20-some-year goal in the making, give or take when I figured out I really liked Dressage!”