Each year it’s important that MSEDA members are reminded of important competition tidbits; these friendly reminders help our members gain recognition for their accomplishments at year’s end. MSEDA seeks to highlight and reward its members and their equine partners for their hard work. Read on for important notifications.

Member Kristen Brennan Volunteering as a Ring Steward
Each member is responsible for their own volunteer hours. This means knowing the rules (attached at the end of the article) and turning in the paperwork. Volunteer hours are always welcome, even if a person is not a MSEDA member. MSEDA offers volunteer awards and appreciates the people who go above and beyond to keep these sports going! Members must submit a volunteer form for EACH show in which they volunteer. Forms must be signed by the volunteer organizer and can be emailed (scan or picture) or snail-mailed to the address at the bottom of the document. This year, hours will be counted once the Points and Volunteer Hours Secretary receives them. The form to report hours can be found on the MSEDA website.
- It’s membership renewal time. Get your membership renewed as soon as possible. Points for year-end awards begin accumulating when your membership is activated.
- This goes for your horses, too! Do you plan to compete your best friend’s horse? What about that client horse? If there is even a possibility you will be riding a horse, it’s imperative that you register the horse under your name. Horse activations are accepted all year and are free until March 1; after March 1, each registration is $10
- Are you an amateur? There’s an award for that. Adult Amateurs in both Dressage and Eventing are eligible for high point year-end awards. To be eligible, send a copy of your amateur status to the Points Secretary, Mandy Weissmann. Points begin accumulating when the status is received.
- Are you a Pony Club member? There’s an award for that, too. Current Pony Club members are eligible for a high point year-end award. Be sure to specify the club and center of which you are a member on your paperwork sent to the Points Secretary. Points begin to accumulate once the Points Secretary is notified of your membership.
- And finally, do you compete a Thoroughbred? Thanks to a gracious donation by Megan Moore in honor of her horse Grasshopper, your Thoroughbred could be eligible for a high point year-end award. This award is given to the Thoroughbred in Eventing that earns the most points during the year. To be eligible for this award, you must notify the Points Secretary; points begin to accumulate once notification is made.
Points can be confusing, but the MSEDA board is here to help. If you feel something on the points or volunteer hours is amiss, please email Mandy Weissmann. Please take a few moments to read through the MSEDA rulebook (LINK HERE) to learn what other awards are offered, as well as how to accumulate the most points-- MSEDA wants to celebrate you and your horse for your yearly endeavors.
To email Points and Volunteer Hours Secretary Mandy Weissmann, use this address: trinitymja@msn.com
ARTICLE IX Volunteer Hours IX.1. Required Hours – In order to qualify for year-end awards in dressage and eventing competitions, the member/rider must volunteer a total of eight (8) hours at MSEDA-sanctioned competitions, at least four (4) of which must be at either MSEDA Dressage at the Kentucky Horse Park or MSEDA Team Challenge. Written proof of this service must be provided to the individual designated by the MSEDA Board of Directors no later than October 31 of each year. A minimum of four (4) of the eight (8) hours must be completed by the rider, the rest of the required hours may be donated by someone other than the rider and donated in his or her name. Service as an officer of MSEDA, as a member of the MSEDA Board of Directors, or as the non-compensated chairman of a committee officially appointed by the MSEDA Board of Directors (i.e., Sanctioning Chairperson Points Chairperson, Education Chairperson, etc.) shall constitute fulfillment of the requirement for 8 volunteer hours. However, volunteer hours earned for being a Board Member may not be donated for year-end awards.