David is a renowned Olympian who needs no introduction. David is the driving force of the Young Rider Emerging Athlete 21 and Under, and a much sought after clinician. Area 8 is proud to offer this clinic with David at the beautiful Valley View Farm.
Cost: Young Rider members of Area VIII $350.00
Adults and non YR members $375.00
Auditing Fee: $25/day No fee for Area 8 Young Riders
Lunch available Saturday
This will be a Mini-Camp format with small groups of 4 or 5 riders
Saturday evening may include pizza and unmounted discussions if possible
Levels: Beginner Novice, Novice, Training, Modified, Preliminary, Intermediate, Advanced
Entries to: Shelley Ryan, 1558 Player Dr., Lexington, KY 40511
No refunds for scratches after closing date unless the scratch can be filled from wait list.
Make check payable to Area VIII Young Riders.
Off site stabling available at Heronwood Farm located on Midway Rd. $35/night payable to Heronwood Farm. Please bring your
own bedding, feed and buckets.
Stalls must be stripped before you leave. Deposit check for $35 required and will be shredded as long as your stall has been left clean.
Best Western, 80 Chenault Rd, Frankfort, KY 40601 502-695-6111
Questions? Call or email: Shelley Ryan 859-224-3411 shelleywryan@gmail.com
Each horse must have a current negative coggins.
Dogs must be leashed.
Release forms to be signed at Valley View
**Due to implementation of SafeSport regulations any participant under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian in attendance.
David O'Connor Clinic Flyer